Opening hours
10:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 14:00 Friday
(Closed for lunch 12:30 - 13:00)
Store pick up
If you stated "store pick up" as the delivery method for your order you can collect your parcel after we informed you by e-mail.
Please have your payment receipt and your ID at your hands.
Volvo parts are picked up in Fristad and US car parts in Tämta.
Please have your payment receipt and your ID at your hands.
Volvo parts are picked up in Fristad and US car parts in Tämta.
Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to take new orders directly in our store. All orders must be pre-ordered by the webshop or by our customer service.

Opening hours
10:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 14:00 Friday
(Closed for lunch 12:30 - 13:00)
Store pick up
If you stated "store pick up" as the delivery method for your order you can collect your parcel after we informed you by e-mail.
Please have your payment receipt and your ID at your hands.
Volvo parts are picked up in Fristad and US car parts in Tämta.
Please have your payment receipt and your ID at your hands.
Volvo parts are picked up in Fristad and US car parts in Tämta.
Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to take new orders directly in our store. All orders must be pre-ordered by the webshop or by our customer service. |

Find us
Here you will find our addresses to our Swedish offices and warehouses.
If you want to get in touch with VP Autoparts USA, you change webshop by clicking here and then select the webshop for VP Autoparts USA.
American carparts
VP Autoparts AB
Tämta Dammbacken 10
513 93 Fristad

American carparts
VP Autoparts AB
Tämta Dammbacken 10
513 93 Fristad